At Home With Cornish 58

Dursona dhe whei, a flehes. Hello, children.

Termyn ew rag mûsek. It's time for music.

Ma maw ow seny piano. A boy is playing a piano.

Ma mos ow seny crowd. A girl is playing a violin.

Wös ta seny neppeth? Do you know how to play something? 


Here are some instruments. What do you play?








Thera vy ow seny … I play ...

Da ew genam cana. I like singing.

Nei ell cana warbarth. We can sing together.

Nei ell cana warbarth en keur. We can sing together in a choir.

Here is a song we can sing together:

1 One Man Went to Mow

You can make this song as long as you like!

Üdn den eth dhe drehy, One man went to mow

Eth dhe drehy büdhyn. Went to mow a meadow

Üdn den hag y gei One man and his dog

Eth dhe drehy büdhyn. Went to mow a meadow

Dew dhen eth dhe drehy, Two men went to mow

Eth dhe drehy büdhyn.

Dew dhen,

Üdn den hag y gei

Eth dhe drehy büdhyn.

Trei den eth dhe drehy, Three men went to mow

Eth dhe drehy büdhyn.

Trei den,

Dew dhen,

Üdn den hag y gei

Eth dhe drehy büdhyn.

Pajar den eth dhe drehy, Four men went to mow

Eth dhe drehy büdhyn.

Pajar den,

Trei den,

Dew dhen,

Üdn den hag y gei

Eth dhe drehy büdhyn.

Pemp den eth dhe drehy, Five men went to mow

Eth dhe drehy büdhyn.

Pemp den,

Pajar den,

Trei den,

Dew dhen,

Üdn den hag y gei

Eth dhe drehy büdhyn.


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