At Home With Cornish 57

Lôwena dhe whei, a flehes. Gero nei madra sciens.

Hello, children. Let's study science.

My a vedn desky sciens.

I will learn science. I want to learn science.

My a vedn dallath gen an bes. I will start with the world.

An bes ew peth. The world is matter.

Peth ew en trei stat: solyd, lin ha gass.

Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.


> >teudha >>


>> bryjyon >>



<<treylya dhe lin<<

Yey ew yeyn. 

Ice is cold.

Ma yey ow teudha dhe dhowr.

Ice melts to water.

Dowr ell bos yeyn po tòbm.

Water can be cold or hot.

Ma yey ow teudha 

(ha ma dowr ow creuny) 

dhe zero degre centigradh.

Ice melts (and water freezes) at 0°C.

Eth ew tòbm. 

Steam is hot.

Ma dowr ow pryjyan dhe eth. 

Water boils to steam.

Ma dowr ow pryjyan dhe cans degre centigradh.

Water boils at 100°C.

Pandr'ew solyd? What is a solid?

Na wra solyd treylya y shap na brâster.

A solid won't change its shape or size (volume).

Pandr'ew lin? What is a liquid?

Ma lin ow treylya y shap dhe fyttya cavas.

A liquid changes its shape to fit a container.

Na wra brâster lin treylya. Liquid volume won't change

Pandr'ew gass? What is a gas?

Gass a wra omlesa ha mos en pub le.

A gas will expand and go everywhere.

Shap ha brâster gass a wra treylya.

A gas's shape and volume will change.

An bottel ew solyd.

The bottle is solid.

An dewes ew lin.

The drink is liquid.

An spoum ew gass.

The foam is gas.


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