At Home With Cornish 50

Another holiday-themed blog:

Some people do things in towns or cities in the holidays. 
Here are some places they could visit.

hendrajy (museum)


(chei gwary)

cresen sport 
(chei sport)
peskva (aqwarium)
cinema (chei fylm)

milva (zoo)

mirva art 


To ask if there is something:

Eus fylm nowydh? Is there a new film?

Eus gwary da? Is there a good play?

Eus disqwedhyans hens horn? Is there a railway exhibition?

Eus bestes baby? Are there any baby animals?

Eus pictour gen Picasso? Is there a picture by Picasso?

To ask if you can do something:

Ellen nei gwary tennis? Can we play tennis?

Ellama gweles morvleydh? Can I see a shark?

Ellama tava an margh bian? Can I touch the little horse?

When you can (or can't) do something:

Nei ell gwary golf gòcky.  We can play crazy golf.

Nei ell gweles raya. We can see a ray.

My ell neyja e'n pollen düs. I can swim in the public pool.

Nei ell mires orth fylm “Minions”. We can watch a “Minions” film.

Na ellen nei gwary pel vasketWe can't play basket ball.

If someone asks where something is or happens:

Pe le ma an morvil glas? Where is the blue whale?

Pe la ma an res-a-dro? Where is the roundabout?

Pe le ma an tour corslynk? Where is the helter-skelter?

Where something is: (Use “Ma” for “There is/are”)

Ma taclow coth en hendrajy. There are old things in a museum.

Ma lies pesk en peskva. There are lots of fish in an aquarium.

Ma modelys tren e'n disqwedhyans. There are train models in the exhibition.


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