At Home With Cornish 46

Being polite means saying “please” and “thank you”

Pejy please (before a request)

Mar pleg please (after a request)

Meur ras Thanks (to a friend)

Meur ras dhis Thank you (to a friend)

Merastawhei Thank you (polite)

If you want to be fancy you can say

Durdala dhe whei God repay you

Gramassy or Gromercy a big thank you

You can use a or rag when saying thanks “for” something.

what you would like to drink or eat

Pejy, my a venja eva ….

I'd like to drink ...

Pejy, my a venja debry ….

I'd like to eat ...

bottel a dhowr pigüs

...a bottle of sparkling water

...gwedren a leth

a glass of milk

haneth a de

...a mug of tea

...bolla a sugen owraval

...a cup of orange juice

badna dowr

a drop of water


bread and butter

maw keus

a cheese sandwich

cofen kig

a meat pasty

torthel safòrn

a saffron bun

fardelik a gresigow

a packet of crisps

Afterwards you might say

Meur ras dhis a'n cresigow. Thank you for the crisps.

Merastawhei a'n te. Thank you for the tea.

Gramassy rag an maw. A big thank you for the sandwich.

Gromercy rag an sugen. Many thanks for the juice.

If you enjoyed what you had, you can say:

Bara'manyn ew da genam. I like bread and butter.

Pastys ew da genam. I like pasties.

Te ew da genam. I like tea.

Da ew genam puptra. I like everything.

Or perhaps you would have preferred something different:

Gwell ew genam bara jynjer. I prefer gingerbread.

Gwell ew genam choclat tòbm. I prefer hot chocolate.

Gwell ew genam dehen rew vanilla. I prefer vanilla ice cream.

How to ask if something is available:

Eus whegow dhis? Do you have any sweets? (to a friend)

Eus choclat menta? Is there any mint chocolate?

Eus maw jamm dhe whei? Do you have a jam sandwich?

Is there or isn't there?

Eus po nag eus? Is there or isn't there?

Eus. Yes

Entei. Certainly.

Nag eus. There isn't.

Nantei. Certainly not.


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