
Showing posts from February, 2023

At Home With Cornish 65

In At Home With Cornish 62 we looked at going somewhere and buying something: My eth dhe'n shoppys ha perna … I went to the shops and bought … e.g. My eth dhe'n shoppys ha perna avalow. I went to the shops and bought apples. To say what you bought, you can use (in simple past tense) My a bernas … I bought … e.g. My a bernas avalow. I bought apples. My a bernas avalow en shoppa. I bought apples in a shop. Here are some other outlets for things you can eat or drink. marhas (an varhas) gorvarhas erber marhas chei kiger chei pobas gwicor losow kegin chei a'n spicer chowster gwicor gwin e.g. My a bernas avalow en gwicor losow kegin. ...

At Home With Cornish 64

  In At Home With Cornish 62, we saw two ways of asking  to have something or to do something: Pejy, my a venja cawas … Please, I'd like to have … My a vedn mos dhe'n … I want to go to the ... e.g. Pejy, my a venja cawas dehen rew. Please, I would like to have an ice cream. e.g. My a vedn mos dhe'n treth. I want to go to the beach. Obviously, “ venja ” is more polite than “ vedn ”. “ vedn ” can also be used for the future, e.g. My a vedn mos dhe'n milva. I will go to the zoo. You can use many verbs  with  venja and  vedn - not just  cawas  and  mos .  Let's look at some alternatives to mos ,  which usually need some sort   of action or place.  They do not take an object. “ bys en ” is a good way of saying “ to ” a place. kerdhes walk pònya ...

At Home With Cornish 63

In the last post we saw some uses of “ ma ”. This is part of the verb “to be”. It means “there is” or “there are”. e.g.  E'n copart ma … In the cupboard there is/are … You can change the cupboard for any other location, at home or round and about, e.g. E'n gegin ma … In the kitchen there is/are … E'n lowarth ma … In the garden there is/are … E'n leverva ma … In the library there is/are Here are some things you might find: flourys lies lever pemp bolla bucket bolla' de jynn  amôntya tekel biskys   Here's a new way to use “ ma ”. This time it is a way of saying that I have something (with me). It does not necessarily belong to me. Ma … genam. Literally There is … with me. i.e. I have … e.g. Ma lever genam. I have a book (with me). e.g. Ma 'gas lever genam. I have your book . e.g. Ma diwros genam. I have a bicycle (wi...