
Showing posts from January, 2023

At Home With Cornish 62

Let's be a little less serious for a while.  Here's a game of Pick n Mix or Mix and Match you can play with different combinations or permutations. Some will make sense and some won't. Here are some “hooks” on which to “hang” new vocabulary as you learn it (or revise it). From time to time, I will add new “hooks” and will return to them, with extra vocabulary. Pejy, my a venja cawas … Please, I'd like to have … Da ew genam … I like … Gramassy a'gas … Thank you for your … My eth dhe'n shoppys ha perna … I went to the shops and bought … My a vedn mos dhe'n … I want to go to the ... De, my a dhebras … Yesterday, I ate ... Ma dhebm … ...

At Home With Cornish 61

L ô wena dhe whei oll! Hello to you all! Gero nei mires orth sciens arta. Let's look at science again. Oll an bes ew gwres a vatter. All the world is made of matter. Matter ew gwres a elvednow. Matter is made of elements. Pandr'ew elvednow ha pana vens ens? What are elements and how big are they? Temmik an behatna ew üdn atom – re vian dhe vos gwelys. The smallest little bit is one atom – too small to be seen. En  nat û r  ew kevys pajar ügens elven fast. There are 80 stable elements found in nature. Nei ell cawas dewdhek warn ügens anodhans en form p û r. We can get 32 of them in a pure form. An remenat ew junyes gen erel (terweythyow en stoff) . The rest are combined with others (sometimes in an ore). Nebes ell bos kevys en Kernow. Some can be found in Cornwall. Lies elven ew olcadnow. Many elements are metals. Kernow ew aswonys rag balyow olcan. Cornwall is known for metal mines. Olcadnow ell bos polsyes dhe spladna, tednys en neus, mortholys en folednow, furvyes. Metals c...